« Dominatrix Leslie | Main | 2009-08-13 ( 13 edited messages ) »

boy - you're really in for it now

From: james
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 20:52:05 EDT

Thank you! We have received the download files and installed
them with no problem. As you said - the program is huge and very
thorough. I took a quick look at some of it - out of curiosity
and to make sure all was working correctly. I was amazed and
becoming stimulated - lol.

However, because the program will be used by my Mistress, I soon
relinquished it to her view. She was absolutely glued to the
monitor for well over an hour. She then stood up and with a huge
grin remarked "boy - you're really in for it now."

I of course had chills at that. Now - I await her return from a
previously arranged shopping trip. I have the feeling that
you've heard this sort of response before.

I've been getting your 'digest' for about 10 yrs now and have
always read and enjoyed all of it. Thank you for this program
and for all the years of the digest.

Soon I imagine she'll want some videos and books. She is
especially interested in understanding the aspects of the use of
toilet training. I don't know what to think.

Please continue all your good works!


[Password] [Books] [Fem Dom Software] [Victor Bruno] [Videos / Dvd]



Hello James,

I loved the response of your Mistress... "boy - you're really in
for it now."

I had a good laugh over that, a lady after my own heart.


The Fem Dom Training Software.
Advises on how best to train your husband/lover.


james wrote:

>"boy - you're really in for it now."

Dear James:

FWIW [for what it's worth,] my Mistress got the CD from Ms
Christine when she was first on DOMestic 8 years ago. She just
came back to BDSM life, looked me up, and now I'm collared to
her. She was going to lend me the CD, but I said I was afraid
I'd lose sleep worrying about what she'll try next. Hence, the
quote at the top of this email. I hope never to hear those words
from Mistress's lips.

james wrote:

>She is especially interested in understanding the aspects of
>the use of toilet training. I don't know what to think.

Speaking of toilet training, many women have large capacity
bladders. So if it's a question of taking her urine, about which
she wants to train you, I'd be careful to ask her to bottle it,
and feed it to you. I always made the statement, and have lived
to regret it, to a woman who proposed letting me have her Golden
Nectars, "I like to drink from the faucet."

Despite a wide funnel in my mouth which a lady used to evacuate,
or void, as the clinical statements go, the lady over-filled the
funnel and dribbled copious quantities of her 'golden wine' over
me. Fortunately, I was in the shower at the time. The lady
allowed me to shower off the excess. I confess I had a hard time
ingesting an entire funnel full into my mouth and then
swallowing it.

Fortunately, the lady was very clean. Her urine was tasteless,
and colorless. I've drunk a cup of urine, or two, from women who
are very salty and bitter. All in a day's slavery, I must say.

That said, imbibing anything from a Mistress who has taken you
in hand and captured you for her pleasure, can be a very
rewarding experience.

Another Mistress dubbed me T.P. so that I knew when she shouted
for T.P. I was to hurry to her wash room and go to my knees for
whatever Mistress's pleasure was.

One thing. I've seen innumerable movie clips where a woman will
first rub her anus against her male, then her vagina, asking him
to lick either or both. The health books all advise not to go to
the vagina after touching, licking, or otherwise 'mouthing' the
anus. There can be innumerable infectious matter in the anus,
which under no circumstances should be put next to, or worse,
into the vagina.

One way around this is to restrict, with Mistress's permission,
of course, anal play to the slave's nose, saving the lips and
mouth for cleaning or otherwise servicing the Mistress's vaginal
area. Clips are fun to look at, IMHO [in my humble opinion,] but
should never be taken as illustrating acceptable real practices
between a Mistress and her slave.

With that, I wish you luck, James, in your lady's endeavors to
give you toilet training. Try to look at it as but another way
in which to serve your Mistress, thereby indicating how much she
values your services. Works for me.

Atcherservis, not a NK, a promise! aka s.a.m.

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