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Yahoo and Topica subscriptions

From: "Christine and David" at u4ds.com
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 21:20:07 +0100


Yahoo! have now made progress on fixing the YahooGroups
membership bug
we reported on previously.

The DOMestic new subscriptions were almost completely up to date
when I checked this afternoon so hopefully those who have
recently joined via YahooGroups will now receive the DOMestic

We have now provided an alternate subscription facility for those
who prefer to join via Topica to receive either the DOMestic digest
list, or the FEMdom_sex list which gets a regular link message to
the latest DOMestic digest.

You will be invited to register at Yahoo or Topica to use
their web site, but there is no need to register to receive
either DOMestic or FEMdom_sex by email.

Enter your email address into one of the boxes below:-
Including the bit after the @ sign!
For example:- yourname@abc123net.com
Then click the subscribe button.

DOMestic is available by email as an edited Digest from Yahoo!

DOMestic is available by email as an edited Digest from Topica.

Or get DOMestic as a clickable link via FEMdom_sex at Topica.

If you prefer to get your DOMestic as a News Feed either click
on the orange "Feed" icon you should see at the far right of
your URL bar above, or see:-


Christine and David at Ms-Christine.com

[Password] [Books] [Fem Dom Software] [Victor Bruno] [Videos / Dvd]

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[Tip:- The correct answer is "No". If "Yes" see direct contact guidelines.]

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