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Stereotypical(?) Dom(?) Pasadena(?) California

Date: 9 Sep 2009 21:29:03 -0000
From: Ninja X

I'm Dom - with all it's stereotypes and exclusions. Subs, feel
free to ask questions.

[Password] [Books] [Fem Dom Software] [Victor Bruno] [Videos / Dvd]




I've got a few questions. I've put some of them in the subject
line I gave to your post - they are indicated by this (?)

Here are a few more....

Why bother? Do you read? Have you got a clue?

You posted from an IP address which is probably somewhere around
Pasadena, California, and you didn't even tell us that much, we
had to look it up. But beyond that we know nothing about you.
Your one line post is a complete waste of time. It included an
email address in the text when the posting form specifically
says not to do that.

Ninja X wrote:

>I'm Dom

Male or Female?

>with all it's stereotypes and exclusions

What would they be in your opinion?

>Subs, feel free to ask questions.

I've done so, would you care to explain also why you didn't read
a few messages before blundering in?

The posting guidelines for example?


David at Ms-Christine.com

The DOMestic discussion list. Now in our thirteenth year. The
password site now has over 6,700 files with well over 400
stories, plus pictures, and hundreds of articles. $26.99 for a
one year password. $16.99 for six months at


Post your reply   

DO NOT include an email address in your comments. Please read this if you want to do that. Posts are edited by the moderator before they appear.

[Tip:- The correct answer is "No". If "Yes" see direct contact guidelines.]

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