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Good News for Visa/MC/JCB users

From: "Christine" at u4ds.com
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 17:23:06 -0000


We have now arranged credit card processing with Verotel
TicketsClub for DOMestic password subscriptions. TicketsClub
accepts Visa Mastercard and JCB.

This will be good news for all those folks in recent weeks who
have discovered that our other processor Multicards are now only
processing "Adult" orders through American Express, Diner's Club
and Direct eBanking.

Our order pages for the passwords and the software have now been
updated, and we are working our way through the rest of the
books, manuals and videos as we have time.

With the season upon us, drop us an email if there is anything
you want us to get organised in a hurry for you.

Christine at Ms-Christine.com

Renew or get your DOMestic password at

[Password] [Books] [Fem Dom Software] [Victor Bruno] [Videos / Dvd]




On 1 Dec 2009 Christine wrote:

>We have now arranged credit card processing with Verotel

And we can now confirm that we have finished altering all our
order pages a few days ago. So everything is now working with
all the major credit and charge cards. Please let me know if
there is anything you find that we've missed.

One benefit of the change is that Verotel allow us to process
with JCB, Visa and Mastercard for instant video downloads. So
I've created new "tiny screen" download versions of our videos
which are now also available using Amex and Diners.

You can see actual size screenshots of all five new "tiny
screen" download versions at:-


but here is one of my favourite memories of being "Queened" by
Christine from "Stiletto"...

Those who would still like to have a CD or DVD version can now
instantly download the video and for and extra $10 get the CD or
DVD as well. The best of both worlds.

David at Ms-Christine.com

See Christine and David on video.

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