« electric with anticipation of being zapped | Main | 2010-09-05 ( 8 edited messages ) »

remote control wanker

From: "Christine" at u4ds.com
Date: Sun, 05 Sep 2010 18:48:09 +0100


I've just read David's sensible guidance on the issue of zappers
in the "electric with anticipation of being zapped" thread.

So I thought I'd remind some of the ladies of the fun to be had
with a zapper and what I like to call my "remote control wanker"
which I've probably mentioned here before. There are many
variations you can use, but here are a few of mine.

If he's lucky I just have him sit on a tiny wooden stool across
the room where he can try to look up my skirt and will know when
I've picked up the zapper remote control and can prepare himself
for the imminent button push.

Or I might have him lay at my feet or beyond the coffee table
where he can get a view of my legs and feet, but see nothing
else. In that position he can't be sure when I'll zap him.

If he's really unlucky he will be locked away out of sight in a
chest or cupboard, but not out of range of my zapper.

The simple rules I often use are that one zap means "start
wanking" two zaps means "stop" and no spurting unless he can see
my stocking tops.

While I enjoy reading a book or watching television, I can keep
my "remote control wanker" on the edge at the push of a button.
When I want him to spurt, I just put my book down and let him
have a few teasing glimpses. If he's laying on the floor I may
even stand above or astride his head and tell him to "get it
over with quickly".

If he is locked in the large travelling chest, or in the
cupboard, he will not usually be able to see my stocking tops,
so unless I decide to make that possible, he doesn't get to have
an authorised spurt. I might just go to bed after unlocking the
cupboard and leave him frustrated.

He knows that an unauthorised spurt means he will be likely to
be zapped at the moment of spurting, and certainly further
punished afterwards. What he never knows is whether I will
indulge myself and zap him anyway while I supervise him at the
moment he climaxes.

Male wanking and spurting is such a messy business, and I find
that having a little fun with supervising it makes it so much
more interesting. And readers of my Bank Manager stories will
know how much the idea of remote control males has always amused


The Fem Dom Training Software.
Advises on how best to train your husband/lover.

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Ms Christine,

Goddess and Her slave have been interested in this as well and
have been asking around. Wondering if You could Please post what
make and model and what alterations You had to do to make it
safe enough for Your slave to wear.

The information we received was that the prods needed to be
ground down and covered with a wider conductive material to
ensure the skin wouldn't burn or be damaged. We were also told
that the dog units lacked enough variant settings to make sure
nothing could go wrong. Please reply and let Us know.

Thank You for Your Time and Consideration,




lilsubrt wrote:

>Please post what make and model

I'll re-post below but that information is already on the blog
and on the member's web site multiple times.

For example in the "Dog Shock Collars" section at:-


which you will see in the right hand menu of the DOMestic blog.

I think the last time we posted our make and model was in the
"Latest on Zappers" thread at...


But basically, as you can read in the free archives we bought
the most well known brand and probably one of the most expensive
brands of "small dog" collar. Ours was an an Innotek FS700A

Since that time, there are many cheaper versions on the market
which are reputed to be as good if not better, as you can read
by following the links above or by using the search box on the

>and what alterations You had to do to make it safe enough for
>Your slave to wear.

None at all. Straight out of the box worked just fine for us.
All we had to do was charge the battery on receipt.

>The information we received was that the prods needed to be
>ground down and covered with a wider conductive material to
>ensure the skin wouldn't burn or be damaged

We didn't find that. But then we purchased a "small dogs"

>We were also told that the dog units lacked enough variant
>settings to make sure nothing could go wrong. Please reply and
>let Us know.

Plenty of variation on ours. And if you read the archives you'll
find many other recommendations for different models which
people are using. As far as I know most folk use small dog
models straight out of the box with some folk only making minor
modifications to straps to attach and lock to the genitals.

sincerely, Christine

The Fem Dom Training Software.
Advises on how best to train your husband/lover.

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