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nuked returns to dating

From: "Darryl Ducharme" - nuked potatoes
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 20:29:49 -0700

Hello Christine and david,

It's all wonderful this year and I'm looking forward to the New
Year :-) i love all that i read, and i'll share a little online
dating experience?

I am away from my city a few weeks at a time... i lost my
lover... so what to do but move on?.... i dared to try online
dating.... And WOW! i think it's christmas season! I met a woman
the same age as me... well close... and She says Hi. It's not a
D/s thing, the ad was just normal. hi how are you. She works at a
Casino... i don't really want to say more... and i tell her...
hey i will be in town! like to meet?

She said YES

All this stuff is going through my mind... and i ask her...
would you like to go for dinner? SHE looks so good! when we
meet... i have to keep some composure, so i am really being a
nice guy

She put her heel in my crotch at the restaurant!

My mind is racing... really what do i do? i can fuck up
everything right here and now. I pretend it's nothing and ask
her if she'd like some wine.

She pushes her heel into my cock HARD..... i got the message...
i think? looking over the menu... i knew i was hungry She took
my hand and told me "darryl...." pushing harder into my cock
with her heel, and said "darryl, i am really happy you take me
for supper."

I was melted before this and i really did not want to wreck it.
We ordered food, bought wine.... both knew it was not over. We
took my car, we were at a nearby bar and i did not know how to
take her home.

She suggested She drive.... i was more than tired and also
drunk. So was not much convincing for me.... she pushed her toes
on my crotch. She started asking me about sex.

I told her i loved it!

She asked me if i liked toys?

I told her honestly i loved how she was dressed and her high
heels, then we never spoke a word. We stopped at a store, i
needed ciggys too, then for booze, bought a pizza. I carried it

We kissed and kissed after, put music on, but was so HOT. She
squirted on me when i was down on her.... and she really liked
it and pushed me back down.....

Then i fucked her so hard.

I woke up between her legs....

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i miss everything. sorry not to post lately..... all involved
now... it's nice to read i am not so different... good fortune
to all

i feel so stuck right at the moment - for example how can you
love someone so so much but then love someone new? after they
tell you no no no it is really difficult

what to do...

nuked potatoes

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