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Cum soaked panties and a vivid imagination

Date: 17 Jan 2011 23:10:49 -0000
From: jboy2386

If you have ever watched Christine's "Going out" video where
David winds up in the closet while his mistress gets "all
sticky." You might, like me, share an excitement for the idea
that the object of your worship is out getting drilled by a
stranger and returning with a special treat for her subby.

In the story here about "Cleaning for Emily," it starts with
poor slave getting a pair of cum soaked panties stuffed in his

So, what do you think? Is this safe and sane or barking mad. My
wife and I play a cuckold game based on Christine's software.
She "milks" me now and again and freezes my slave squirt for
later use.

When she "Goes out" I never really get to hear what happens. Her
panties are of course soaked with cum on her return. The frozen
squirt is gone, but as she says - "how do you know I didn't use
yours to cover up my lovers?"

We probably would never actually do it. If we did what's the
consensus on just how dangerous it is?


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jboy2386 wrote:

>Christine's "Going out" video where David winds up in the
>closet while his mistress gets "all sticky." -snip- drilled by
>a stranger and returning with a special treat for her subby
>-snip- Is this safe and sane or barking mad

It is totally safe if the person who gets Mistress all sticky is
a fictional creation and doesn't really exist.

Some might think we would both be barking mad to indulge in such
a pretense, but it is highly exciting for me to imagine my
Mistress is really "all sticky" when she has told me to clean
her intimate places on her return after a night out. My
imagination fills in all kinds of blanks.

In reality, it would be highly unsafe for my Mistress to accept
the bodily fluids of any other person, in any orifice, unless
she was totally confident that the partner was totally healthy
and free of sexually transmitted diseases.

To a lesser degree, it would also be risky for me to clean her
up afterwards. There is no doubt in my mind that the risk to her
would be greater, and I'm also in no doubt that she would be
highly cautious in her behaviour. She would have a partner use a
condom to protect herself, even if she thought him likely to be

>When she "Goes out" I never really get to hear what happens.
>-snip- We probably would never actually do it. If we did
>what's the consensus on just how dangerous it is?

I think one important issue on safety is whether it is one
regular lover as an additional partner that one is confident of,
or whether the additional partners are "players" - the latter
would be highly dangerous to share fluids with. And multiple
players would be lunacy.


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