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how to find and meet like minded kinky people

From: "Christine" at u4ds.com
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 17:04:33 +0100


This message might serve as a guide-line to folk in all areas of
the world, but I'll use Roger's recent message as an example.

In Re: P: San Antonio, Texas - submissive females

Roger wrote:

>Can someone help me get in contact with submissive females

You'll make more progress if you put a bit of effort in yourself
and don't post short messages to DOMestic. Before posting any
message here it's best to read the guidelines on posting (see

If you don't want to post your contact details on the web,
you'll have to go looking for places to meet people in your
area. First look in the right hand menu of the DOMestic blog

Meeting Others

and in your specific case under that you'll see a link for USA,
and beneath that you'll find links for:-


which might be all you need?

But beneath that you will see links for:-

Dallas/Ft Worth

If that is not close enough to you, or there is nothing on the
blog that you find useful in your area then you could try a
Google search for something like:-

"Kink Munches San Antonio Texas"

A "munch" is usually a day-time social gathering of like minded
people, and I see some possibly useful results display for that
search on Google.

If you do find local munches in your area, then do everyone a
favour and post details of your experience with the ones you
attend to the blog and make the DOMestic resource more useful
for everyone.

Also on the right hand menu of the DOMestic blog are personal ads.

If you want to advertise with a personal ad on DOMestic then I
suggest reading the guidelines thoroughly in the admin section,
again see the right hand menu of the DOMestic blog, for:-


Personal Ads FAQ

Making Direct Contact

That last one is very important as we will not display your
email address unless you send your post in by email from the
address you wish displayed, and if your email does not display
here then folk can't contact you.

Then take your time and carefully write, spell-check and edit a
long and sincere introduction for the P: section of the digest
(personal ads).

Be sure to avoid brief descriptions, women want to know all
about you, your hopes, desires, interests and ambitions in life,
not just the sex.

As the DOMestic blog is all about dom/sub - one could argue that
dom/sub will be taken for granted. So having established what
your orientation is (dominant) and gender is (male), it's more
important to discuss the things other than dom/sub that interest
you and the things which might attract a partner.

You've already told us where you are, which is an improvement
over some messages we receive. For anyone else reading this, be
sure to mention where you are in the world. As the DOMestic blog
and mailing list is international.


The DOMestic discussion list. Now in our thirteenth year. The
password site now has over 6,700 files with well over 400
stories, plus pictures, and hundreds of articles. $26.99 for a
one year password. $16.99 for six months at:-

[Password] [Books] [Fem Dom Software] [Victor Bruno] [Videos / Dvd]

Post your reply.

DO NOT include an email address in your comments. Please read this if you want to do that. Posts are edited by the moderator before they appear.

[Tip:- The correct answer is "No". If "Yes" see direct contact guidelines.]

« 2009-07-07 ( 11 edited messages ) | Main