What's new on the DOMestic Blog
Date: 17 Mar 2009 07:35:45 -0000
From: MichaelK
Hi Ms Christine and David,
I have started to read the Blog instead of just waiting for the
email digest. It is not easy to remember how many replies each
topic had before, so I find it hard to know when a new reply has
been posted.
If there was an easy way to let frequent readers see what was
new, then that would make the Blog much more useful.
Best Regards,
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Posted by: David | link | edited and published March 18, 2009 2:25 AM
Hello Michael,
Thanks for your feedback.
There are two ways you can know when new messages/replies have
been posted. And in response to your message I've today made the
first of them much more obvious. I hope this works for you?
1. See the right hand menu. Click on the words "Latest Comments"
(near the top) This will load:-
which will display all comments to the blog in reverse date
order, newest at the top.
2. Click on the orange icon in the right hand side of your URL
bar which allows you to subscribe to either of the newsfeeds.
The one you would want would be the DOMestic Blog feed. This
would let your browser software know immediately whenever a new
message or reply has been posted.
More info on newsfeeds can also be found via the right hand
menu, (near the bottom) where by clicking on the link to the
help file "Click on Newsfeed Help" you can read
If anyone has suggestions for how I can make this or any aspect
of blog operation more clear then please feel free to let me
David at Ms-Christine.com
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Posted by: MichaelK | link | edited and published March 18, 2009 2:39 AM
Hi David,
Thanks for your reply.
The "Latest Comments" link is just what I wanted - the perfect
solution for me.
Best wishes,
Devotional Sex
Posted by: MissE | link | edited and published March 18, 2009 7:50 AM
Another way is to use bloglines (www.bloglines.com) I have
been using it to follow multiple blogs and it saves a lot of
time as I only go to those blogs that have an entry vs having to
check each and every one of them.
Posted by: David | link | edited and published March 18, 2009 6:43 PM
MissE wrote:
>Another way is to use bloglines
My favourite is Opera, but yes, we have a link to Bloglines and
a few other feed readers in the "Other Browsers and Readers"
section of our help file at:-
To be sure a feed reader updates you when a new comment is
posted, which is what MichaelK wanted, and not just new entries,
you would need to give it the individual messages / blog url
http://u4ds.com/index.xml as opposed to the digest only feed.
I imagine using something like Bloglines is also handy for
keeping records of which blogs you read off your computer, so
might be useful for folk using business or family machines.
>I have been using it to follow multiple blogs and it saves a
>lot of time as I only go to those blogs that have an entry vs
>having to check each and every one of them
The feed reader built into Opera is the best I've used, much
more user friendly than IE or Firefox. It does exactly the same,
but saves having to log on to a web site. You can have it check
all your blogs at once, or select the ones you want to look at.
If you spend a lot of time online it has a handy little message
in the bottom right of the screen which tells you when new
messages have appeared on your blogs so you get to see them
sooner. You can even set it to check different blogs more
frequently than others if you like, so a high traffic blog might
be auto-checked every 5 minutes.
But using a browser based feed reader is probably not ideal for
shared computers, as other folk using the computer would see
what interests you.
David at Ms-Christine.com
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